The French are famous in the art of love. However, its current head of State has brokenall world records in speed in terms of presidential romances.
This is his first Valentine with his new wife that just met three months ago and whowere married four months after divorcing the "love of his life," Carolina.
He is the first French President who, during his tenure, has been divorced andremarried. All this in less than 35 weeks of being in charge. He won the election bypretending to have a good marriage, but then surprised his voters cancelling this andthen to desposando with supermodel Carla Bruni, whom she had met eleven weeksago.
Sarkozy has not carried out his promise to transform the social model, but yes hasmade its unprecedented and rapid change: that of his first lady.
Sarkozy, can sell to many traditionalists for being in his third marriage and a "left-wing" that: he was partner of a former Socialist premier (Fabius) and of more than onedozen of personalities, is illegitimate daughter, had his only baby with a married man(who was, in turn, son of his partner) and confessed to being a polygamist, who likedto have several husbands at the same time.
The economic crisis and its rough sentimental life have made him that at 5 months helost 20 points of popularity (rather unusual for a newly elected President). Severalmedia mocking by the new wife of Sarkozy always made electoral campaign againsthim, he has never wanted to adopt citizenship of the France where he lives sincechildhood and is almost 20 centimeters higher than the (she is not using plugs andwho must wear shoes that raise him). Over, her Novel Observatour has accused himten days before his last wedding he told his ex-wife reconcile.
Meanwhile approaching the municipal elections where it may suffer their first defeat atthe polls and one of his sons has decided to campaign against the candidate of hisfather.
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